Expense Management

Build Integrated Expense
Management Solutions

Customize Your Expense Policies

Use ASA (Authorization Stream Access) to create and adjust your expense policies.

Access Enhanced L2 & L3 Data

Leverage L2/L3 data to drive business insights, integrate to ERP/Accounting systems, and support unique card issuing use cases across fleet, healthcare, government, and more.

Fight Fraud at the Source

Use Lithic’s transaction risk scores, 3DS authentication rules engine, card tokenization decisioning, MCC restrictions, ASA (authorization stream access), and more.

Get Granular Interchange & Settlement Data

Maximize your interchange revenue with detailed reporting. And create settlement reports to help your users understand the details of their transactions.

We are consistently amazed by Lithic’s adaptability and tailored solutions. Their prompt problem-solving and consistent availability make them one of the most dependable partners we’ve ever collaborated with.

Get Started

Issuing processing for technology companies that just works
Fraud Detection 101

Following hot on the heels of our Java client library, we’re excited to announce our Kotlin client library

Guide to Maximizing Interchange Revenue

Following hot on the heels of our Java client library, we’re excited to announce our Kotlin client library