Last updated 
June 10, 2022

These Lithic Beta Terms (these “Beta Terms”) document the terms of your participation in one or more of Lithic’s beta offerings (“Beta Services”). Except where noted below, these Beta Terms are separate and distinct from other agreements you have with Lithic. These Beta Terms supplement and are subject to the terms and conditions of the Lithic Services Agreement available at Terms of Service.

These Beta Terms apply to products or services identified as "early access," "alpha," "beta," "preview," “MVP,” “design partner,” or words or phrases with similar meanings, either in Lithic’s API documentation or other materials provided to you.

By enrolling in the Beta Services and as a condition of your participation in the Beta offering, you acknowledge and accept the following risks and agree to the following:

  • The Beta Services will still be in development and subject to these Beta Terms until a subsequent agreement is entered that supersedes these Beta Terms, or until otherwise determined by Lithic. Beta Services may be modified prior to public release.
  • The Beta Services may not have gone through the same reliability, availability, and security testing of our other products.
  • The Beta Services may have errors or may not always work as described or expected, and may be modified, terminated or discontinued at Lithic's sole discretion.
  • The Beta Services may not be integrated with other products and features, including the Lithic dashboard. This could result in delayed or incorrect information regarding your accounts and available balance.
  • While we will try our best to resolve issues with the product in a timely manner, we cannot commit to any specific uptime, support request response time, etc. Outages or other interruptions in the Beta Services fall outside any other commitments to you under the Lithic Services Agreement.
  • You agree not to abuse the Beta Services and only run bona fide transactions (including reasonable test transactions) through the offering. You agree to comply with Applicable Law and industry rules, including Nacha Operating Rules.
  • The Beta Services are being provided as a “Beta” version and made available on an “As Is” or “As Available” basis. The Beta Services may contain bugs, errors, and other problems. YOU ASSUME ALL RISKS AND ALL COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH YOUR USE OF THE BETA SERVICES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY DAMAGE TO ANY EQUIPMENT, SOFTWARE, INFORMATION OR DATA. In addition, we are not obligated to provide any maintenance, technical, or other support for the Beta Services. LITHIC WILL HAVE NO LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE BETA SERVICES – USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.

We will communicate product-specific limitations to you, and you acknowledge and accept that your use of the Beta Services will be subject to these limitations.

If you have questions or comments, feel free to email us at, or give us a call at 1-844-771-8229.