
Lithic Product Update: March 2023

Eduardo Lopez
Product Marketing Lead
April 11, 2023
 min read

Welcome to the March product update! We are excited to share the new features and functionality we released in the past month to help you better manage your card program.

Product Highlights

Lithic Disputes API: We launched the Lithic Disputes API in beta, which enables you to manage disputes programmatically. You can now submit disputes, upload evidence, and receive updates on a dispute’s status at any time by calling the API or using our Events API and webhooks. You can also use it to issue refunds to cardholders when a dispute is won. See our documentation for more details.

Tokenization Control: This feature allows you to combat fraudulent digital wallet tokenizations (adding a card to a mobile wallet) with the option to approve, decline, or further authenticate tokenizations, just as you do with transactions using Auth Stream Access (ASA). See our documentation for more details.

OpenAPI 3.0 Definitions: We launched OpenAPI 3.0 definitions for the Lithic API, which can be found in our GitHub repository. OpenAPI files support code generation (including SDKs), test cases, and make API documentation easier to reference. We are also annotating our API client library releases to reference the OpenAPI spec version. Visit our blog to learn more.

Transaction webhook replayability via Events API: You can now subscribe to transaction webhooks using our Events API. As with other events sent via the Events API, these transaction webhooks can be replayed, queried, and will use HMAC secrets for security. Users listening for transaction webhooks using existing webhooks functionality will continue to receive messages normally.

HMAC verification in ASA: HMAC verification has been added to ASA in beta. This feature allows you to use our dashboard to generate and rotate HMAC tokens that are unique to your ASA webhooks. Visit our documentation to learn more. 

Simulate Authorization Advice: You can now simulate authorization advice, which modifies the amount of a prior transaction. This transaction flow is common with certain merchant types such as automated fuel dispensers. See our documentation for more information.

Upcoming Releases

Lithic Send in public beta: Our end-to-end solution for card-based disbursements will be in public beta and available in Sandbox later this month.

Network risk scores: We are making network-provided risk scores available in ASA messages for all Mastercard BINs starting in April. This data field will enable you to better identify fraud risk patterns and mitigate potential fraud-related revenue losses.

Go client library: We are releasing our newest client library in Go to provide Go developers with better access to the Lithic API. If you are interested in testing out this upcoming library or have any requests, contact us at

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